The thing is discussed at this bug report, and, although not really openly stated, my last assertion seems to be confirmed by posts 38, 62, 70 and 127. Indeed, seems that the info at the Chromium Project page (see link at point 3.) is not really up to date, and if the device is not on a domain the Update policy override is not honored as well. This without messing up with services or scheduled tasks, so the guilty is not with the Google Update Services. However, one finds quickly that they are not honored if the machine is not joined to an Active Directory domain. Group policies may be used locally as well (this is not really straightforward, since the corresponding snap-ins are not added by default to the mmc on Win - anyway, I'm not going to detail this here).Set the value of HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Google\Update\AutoUpdateCheckPeriodMinutes to the REG_DWORD value of "0".Īnd the page linked at the end of the Warning is again the one I reported at point 2. This Warning refers to a specific advice: If you are affected by this, and still want to disable Chrome updates (NOT RECOMMENDED), you may do so by using 'Update policy override' as described here. Warning: To prevent abuse of this policy, if a device is not joined to an Active Directory domain, and if this policy has been set to 0 or to a value greater than 77 hours, this setting will not be honored and replaced by 77 hours after August 2014. Specifically, this Chromium Project page states clearly that: The policies are meant to be used in an Active Directory domain context.It involves downloading and setting up specific group policy templates. The simplest way to configure Google Updates is outlined at this page.The Update Controls have been released on Thursday, ( blog post), and things changed a bit since.

I don't agree fully with the answer by Helder Magalhães.

AutoUpdateCheckPeriodMinutes is not interpreted the same when machines are not in a domain (source).UpdateDefault can be set to 3 in order to prevent updates for all Google software (source).Second, a few comments regarding the proposed registry settings: So you shouldn't disable the services (set both to Manual instead). This is likely the guilty, as it seems to cause the policy settings to be ignored (source). Google Update Services are both disabled.